The Foundation

The Foundation

It was circa 1958, that the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Charity Foundation (KLRCF) was first mooted.

Members of RC Kuala Lumpur had complained that since the club had a large membership, the Sunshine Box collections through the fining sessions that were the norm in those days took too much time. It was reasoned that the setting up of the foundation would ensure that every member would contribute to the charity fund for which he would be given a tax-exempt receipt.

Subsequently, during the presidency of Len W. Kaye ( 1959-1960 ), the Foundation was duly registered and tax-exempt status obtained from the Treasury. Fixed annual contributions were determined by the club to be paid separately to the KLRCF at the same time as the club dues.

The KLRCF incorporates various charity funds and other designated funds established during the terms of various presidents of the club, the earliest probably being the Gammans Memorial Scholarship Fund, which goes back to PP L. S. Sodhy, who was club president in Rotary year 1963-64.

Money for the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Charity Foundation has been and is received via outright donations, through charity functions organised by the club and of course, the annual KLRCF contributions paid by the members.

Generally speaking, the various funds of the foundation generate yearly income which - in combination with donations received and funds raised separately - is then used for the execution of selected projects in compliance with the corresponding fund rules / guidelines and Malaysian tax-exempt guidelines.

The KLRCF is managed by a management committee, which comprises elected club members and the incumbent club president, president-elect, treasurer and secretary.

Individual funds are targeted towards scholarships, vocational training, emergency relief, youth and handicapped children and other activities.

During the presidency of Attan Akmar (2007 - 2008 ) it was finally realized that the total number of funds established in KLRCF by that time made proper management and monitoring a difficult task and fund rules / guidelines were simplified and more clearly set out. This was done in conjunction with an amalgamation exercise which grouped together funds of similar nature and objectives.

Funds of KLRCF ( as of 2020 )

Handicapped Children Welfare Fund

Save A Sight Fund

Scholarship and Training Fund

General Fund

Property Fund

Wheelchair Fund

Rotary Cancer Welfare Fund